Cislunar has several beautiful image overlays styles, so that you can lay your content beautifully and uniquely.

Heading Overlay

The below classes are used to create this overlay:

  • .cl-image-overlay-wrapper: Used to create overlay container.
  • .cl-image-wrapper: Contains the image.
  • .cl-image-overlay: Contains the content.
  • .cl-image-heading: Contains the content heading.
  • .cl-image-content: Contains the content text.

The .cl-hover and .cl-slide classes makes the slide effect happen. Only on hovering on .cl-hover element, the content of .cl-slide will show.

<div class="cl-image-overlay-wrapper cl-hover">
    <div class="cl-image-wrapper">
        <img src="path/to/image.png" alt="some image">
    <div class="cl-image-overlay">
        <div class="cl-image-heading">
            Some Heading...

        <div class="cl-image-content cl-text-color-invert cl-slide">
            Some Content...

some image

Interesting Heading

Duis eu enim eget quam lacinia egestas ac sagittis leo. Vivamus eget nisl diam. Vivamus ullamcorper porttitor eros sagittis congue.

Center Content Overlay

The below classes are used to create this overlay:

  • .cl-image-overlay-wrapper: Used to create overlay container.
  • .cl-image-wrapper: Contains the image.
  • .cl-overlay-center or .cl-overlay-end: Contains the content and positions it in center/end.

The .cl-hover class is used with .cl-overlay-center class to retain the hover effect.

<div class="cl-image-overlay-wrapper">
    <div class="cl-image-wrapper">
        <img src="path/to/some-image.png" alt="some image">
    <div class="cl-overlay-center cl-hover">
        Some content...
some image

Interesting Heading

Duis eu enim eget quam lacinia egestas ac sagittis leo. Vivamus eget nisl diam. Vivamus ullamcorper porttitor eros sagittis congue.

Full Image Content Overlay

The below classes are used to create this overlay:

  • .cl-image-full-overlay-wrapper: Used to create overlay container.
  • .cl-image-wrapper: Contains the image.
  • .cl-image-overlay-content: Contains the content.

The .cl-hover and .cl-zoom-img classes makes the image zoom effect happen. Only on hovering on .cl-hover element, the image will get zoomed.

<div class="cl-image-full-overlay-wrapper cl-hover">

    <div class="cl-image-wrapper cl-zoom-img">
        <img src="path/to/some-image.png" alt="some image">

    <div class="cl-image-overlay-content cl-text-color-invert">

Left-Top content
Some Centered Content
Bottom-Right content